Screen E

Screen designed by Tim Tyler
On your first visit to this area simply move to the right and take the transporter back to Screen A. On your next three visits, you need to move down and push a rock to collect a puzzle piece. The second and third transporters will take you back to Screen A, the fourth will take you to the Outer Section of this level.

Hug the left wall and make your way to the top of the level. Wait for eight spirits to enter then exit to the surface. Take the next exit. The rock staircase is the same as that on Screen B. When the third rock rolls off the diamond, push the rock above it to the right to unblock the spirits route to the cage.

Take the diamond the rock rolled off then go left and up. Allow the rock to fall then push the rock that rolled off the diamond left. Unblock the cage below then dig away the earth, pushing the rock that falls left. Stand in a safe position and wait for the spirits. When they've left, make your way to the bottom of the level. When killing the monster blocking the third cage, position the rock first before releasing the egg. Go back up past your entry point into this area and right, then Repton Shuffle the rock left. You'll be safe from the spirits here. Go down and right, taking everything and unblocking the fourth cage. Go back up, pushing the rock to your right into the gap then take everything and wait for the spirits.

When they arrive, exit onto the surface and go all the way to the right. Go down pausing to push the rock on the barrier left. Continue down and take everything including the diamond which will be blocked in when you take the key. Go back up, release the monster and take the diamond below it. Push the rock on the curved barrier right then find a space to stand where you won't collide with spirits or release the monster.

When the cage below you opens and the spirits have left go downward then right collecting the diamond wedged between the three rocks. Go back up for the monster then retrace your steps, killing the monster with the rock. Unblock the cage then return to your safe place to wait for the spirits.

Next you'll need to pile the rocks next to the mid-air cage so that they form a pyramid with the top rock at a left diagonal to the cage.

Go back to the spot where you killed the first monster, taking the diamond between the two safes. Collect the key then go up and left next to the rock. Move to the rock's right hand side then push it next to the final cage. Take any remaining diamonds then take the transporter back to Screen A

(including three diamonds, one puzzle on Screen A)
Transporters - 38, Puzzle - 23, Earth - 3595, Diamonds - 1308, Monsters - 10

All official Repton levels can be completed without Repton losing any lives. Walkthroughs and maps are provided as guides and may not necessarily be 100% correct.
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