Presto Screen E

Password: 'QUAGMIRE'

Editcode: 27630

Screen designed by Michael S. Repton

Some cunning spirit manipulation is required to open all the cages; there are tricky boulder-and-balloon puzzles to contend with; and the absorbalene also presents an intricate problem.

Take the absorbalene, then wait under the diamond just above. When the spirit bounces off it, take it, run up, and take only the rightmost diamond above. Step up and push the boulder left, blocking the cage. Quickly open the door directly above the safe, and let the balloon roll off the diamond. Don't disturb the earth in the middle of this area. Push the balloon under the safe right, and take the diamond next to the yellow cage. Push the adjacent boulder left as far as it can go without falling off the curved wall. Quickly take the middle diamond of the row of three below; step left so the boulder falls, unblocking the cage; then get behind the boulder above. When the yellow spirit goes through the cage, push the boulder to trap the spirit.

Take the absorbalene, open the top-left door, go left, and push the boulder off the safe. Return to the far right and take the key. Take the safe diamond in the top-right; push the boulder left, then push the balloon two squares right so the magenta cage is connected. Go down past where the yellow spirit is trapped; take only the leftmost earth square of the row of four. Continue down without taking any more earth; take the diamond left of the timebomb, then the one below that, then the transporter. Follow the same route back to the bottom of the level; don't take the diamond next to the yellow cage. Take the second transporter.

Unblock the yellow cage, then take the absorbalene. When both spirits bounce off the diamond below, push the top-right boulder left, then lower the boulder under it. Step under the top-right boulder and push it right; push the adjacent boulder all the way right. Now you have a clear space to dodge the spirits. Push one of the top-left boulders all the way right; push the other right one square. Take the leftmost two earth squares in the bottom row, then push the top-left boulder left. Push both boulders blocking the exit diamond left.

In the room below, leave the earth above the rightmost boulder. Take the ice crystal, then step under the egg and push the boulder right. When the egg hatches, push the top-left boulder left, then push the middle boulder left. Avoid the spirits again, then release the balloon and run right. Push the first boulder, then walk right and let the boulder roll off the curved wall. Go down the column beyond and take both diamonds at the bottom. Push the middle boulder in the next column to the right, and open the top-right door. Run left. There is just enough time to retrieve the absorbalene from the bottom-left maze; or if you wish, you can wait for the spirits to go round the maze before entering. Don't open the door next to the crown. Come back out, open the bottom-right door, and push the balloon to block the yellow cage.

Go to the earth-filled room at the top of the level. Push both loose balloons in the bottom row all the way right; push the leftmost balloon in the next row left; take the top-left absorbalene. Come back down and open the door in the middle of the level; push the adjacent boulder all the way right. Take the diamond next to the room in which the yellow spirit is trapped; push the boulder next to you one square left. One boulder will fall; push this all the way right. The yellow spirit will be released, and will cage in the top-left of the level. Push the other boulder right until it falls; then release the boulder under the timebomb, and do the same. When the yellow spirit has gone past the top-right area, take the cage diamond, shuffle the boulder left, and shuffle the balloon right, connecting the yellow cage.

Take the remaining absorbalene from the earth-filled room. Return to the bottom-right and head left; open the top-left door and take the adjacent diamond. Follow the yellow spirit to the top-left. Take the cage diamond; then take the diamond under it when one spirit is in the lower-left, heading right, and the other has just bounced off the diamond from the left. Take the time capsule. Follow the spirits out; while they are going round the bottom-left maze, unblock the bottom yellow cage.

Come back up; take the absorbalene from the room in which you trapped the yellow spirit. Go left and up to the balloons next to the timebomb, then left into the room beyond. Push the upper-left boulder right; take the lower-left diamond; push the upper-right boulder all the way left; take the other diamonds. Go down. Push the top-right boulder right, then push the next boulder right. Take the top-left diamonds. Push the loose boulder left; step right and push the balloon into the corner. Take the diamond next to the lower balloon and run up. Take the middle two diamonds of the row of six; take the earth on the left, then step aside to let the boulder fall. Push the loose boulder all the way right, then take the diamond above the transporter. Run right along the bottom row; take the last diamond, then the transporter, which goes to near Repton's start. Take all the diamonds in this area.

When the top-right cage has been entered, push the lower balloon right, then push the boulder left until it rolls off the curved wall. Push it all the way right. Push the egg two squares right, then take the diamond on the left. Wait here until the magenta spirit is on the other side of the wall to your left. Push the egg right, timing this so it will be a cracked egg when the spirit reaches it, allowing the spirit to cage. (The ice crystal can help with this.) Take the top earth square, then push the top-right boulder two squares left, and get behind it to kill the monster.

Take the column of four diamonds and the last absorbalene. Open the door in the bottom-left maze and take the crown. Take the transporter. Return to the bottom-right; let the rightmost boulder roll left, then take all remaining diamonds. The diamond next to the last transporter must be taken last, as this transporter takes you below the bottom-right timebomb.

All official Repton levels can be completed without Repton losing any lives. Walkthroughs and maps are provided as guides and may not necessarily be 100% correct.
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